테라스왑(Terraswap)은 유니스왑에 영향을 받아 만들어진 AMM(Automatic Market Maker)이라고 밝히고 있다. 현재 스왑, 출금, 그리고 LP(Liquidity Pool) 참여만 가능한 상태이며 TVL의 대부분은 ETH로 구성되어 있다. TVL은 약 11억 4천만 달러 수준이다.
About #
Terraswap is a Uniswap-inspired automated market-maker (AMM) protocol implemented with smart contracts on the Terra blockchain. This enables a decentralized on-chain exchange for the various assets involved in Terra ecosystem.
Participants #
Terraswap users can become trader, liquidity provider or both.
A trader can exchange their token for another token through Terraswap using the price determined by the liquidity pool ratio.
Liquidity provider adds equal value of two assets to their corresponding Terraswap pair pool, which increases liquidity for the corresponding pair market while maintaining the pool price. In this process, liquidity providers are rewarded by newly minted LP tokens. LP tokens represent the liquidity provider’s share in the pool and provide the benefit of earning trading fees, which are accumulated into the pool on every swap transaction. Liquidity providers can burn their LP tokens to withdraw their share from the pool.
Terraswap Web Application #
Terraswap Web Application is the official web front-end interface swapping Terra native tokens and CW20 tokens. The web application is located here.
Wallet is required to interact with Terraswap Web Application.
For web,
For android,
For ios,
First, Terra native tokens must be sent to the wallet address corresponding to your Terra Station Extension in order to execute swaps from the web application. Once you generate a transaction in the proper format, Station Extension will prompt you to sign the transaction by entering your password.